Citus is a PostgreSQL extension that allows commodity database servers (called nodes) to coordinate with one another in a “shared nothing” architecture. The nodes form a cluster that allows PostgreSQL to hold more data and use more CPU cores than would be possible on a single computer. This architecture also allows the database to scale by simply adding more nodes to the cluster.
Coordinator and Workers¶
Every cluster has one special node called the coordinator (the others are known as workers). Applications send their queries to the coordinator node which relays it to the relevant workers and accumulates the results.
For each query, the coordinator either routes it to a single worker node, or parallelizes it across several depending on whether the required data lives on a single node or multiple. The coordinator knows how to do this by consulting its metadata tables. These Citus-specific tables track the DNS names and health of worker nodes, and the distribution of data across nodes. For more information, see our Citus Tables and Views.
Citus MX removes the need to send all queries through the coordinator node. With MX, users can send queries directly to any worker node, which allows both reads and writes to be scaled even more.
Distributed Data¶
Table Types¶
There are three types of tables in a Citus cluster, each used for different purposes.
Type 1: Distributed Tables¶
The first type, and most common, is distributed tables. These appear to be normal tables to SQL statements, but are horizontally partitioned across worker nodes.

Here the rows of table
are stored in tables table_1001
, table_1002
etc on the workers. The component worker tables are called shards.
Citus runs not only SQL but DDL statements throughout a cluster, so changing the schema of a distributed table cascades to update all the table’s shards across workers.
To learn how to create a distributed table, see Creating and Modifying Distributed Tables (DDL).
Distribution Column¶
Citus uses algorithmic sharding to assign rows to shards. This means the assignment is made deterministically – in our case based on the value of a particular table column called the distribution column. The cluster administrator must designate this column when distributing a table. Making the right choice is important for performance and functionality, as described in the general topic of Distributed Data Modeling.
Type 2: Reference Tables¶
A reference table is a type of distributed table whose entire contents are concentrated into a single shard which is replicated on every worker. Thus queries on any worker can access the reference information locally, without the network overhead of requesting rows from another node. Reference tables have no distribution column because there is no need to distinguish separate shards per row.
Reference tables are typically small, and are used to store data that is relevant to queries running on any worker node. For example, enumerated values like order statuses, or product categories.
When interacting with a reference table we automatically perform two-phase commits (2PC) on transactions. This means that Citus makes sure your data is always in a consistent state, regardless of whether you are writing, modifying, or deleting it.
The Reference Tables section talks more about these tables and how to create them.
Type 3: Local Tables¶
When you use Citus, the coordinator node you connect to and interact with is a regular PostgreSQL database with the Citus extension installed. Thus you can create ordinary tables and choose not to shard them. This is useful for small administrative tables that don’t participate in join queries. An example would be users table for application login and authentication.
Creating standard PostgreSQL tables is easy because it’s the default. It’s what you get when you run CREATE TABLE. In almost every Citus deployment we see standard PostgreSQL tables co-existing with distributed and reference tables. Indeed, Citus itself uses local tables to hold cluster metadata, as mentioned earlier.
The previous section described a shard as containing a subset of the rows of a distributed table in a smaller table within a worker node. This section gets more into the technical details.
The pg_dist_shard metadata table on the coordinator contains a row for each shard of each distributed table in the system. The row matches a shardid with a range of integers in a hash space (shardminvalue, shardmaxvalue):
SELECT * from pg_dist_shard;
logicalrelid | shardid | shardstorage | shardminvalue | shardmaxvalue
github_events | 102026 | t | 268435456 | 402653183
github_events | 102027 | t | 402653184 | 536870911
github_events | 102028 | t | 536870912 | 671088639
github_events | 102029 | t | 671088640 | 805306367
(4 rows)
If the coordinator node wants to determine which shard holds a row of github_events
, it hashes the value of the distribution column in the row, and checks which shard’s range contains the hashed value. (The ranges are defined so that the image of the hash function is their disjoint union.)
Shard Placements¶
Suppose that shard 102027 is associated with the row in question. This means the row should be read or written to a table called github_events_102027
in one of the workers. Which worker? That is determined entirely by the metadata tables, and the mapping of shard to worker is known as the shard placement.
Joining some metadata tables gives us the answer. These are the types of lookups that the coordinator does to route queries. It rewrites queries into fragments that refer to the specific tables like github_events_102027
, and runs those fragments on the appropriate workers.
FROM pg_dist_placement placement
JOIN pg_dist_node node
ON placement.groupid = node.groupid
AND node.noderole = 'primary'::noderole
WHERE shardid = 102027;
│ shardid │ nodename │ nodeport │
│ 102027 │ localhost │ 5433 │
In our example of github_events
there were four shards. The number of shards is configurable per table at the time of its distribution across the cluster. The best choice of shard count depends on your use case, see Shard Count.
Finally note that Citus allows shards to be replicated for protection against data loss. There are two replication “modes:” Citus replication and streaming replication. The former creates extra backup shard placements and runs queries against all of them that update any of them. The latter is more efficient and utilizes PostgreSQL’s streaming replication to back up the entire database of each node to a follower database. This is transparent and does not require the involvement of Citus metadata tables.
Since shards and their replicas can be placed on nodes as desired, it makes sense to place shards containing related rows of related tables together on the same nodes. That way join queries between them can avoid sending as much information over the network, and can be performed inside a single Citus node.
One example is a database with stores, products, and purchases. If all three tables contain – and are distributed by – a store_id column, then all queries restricted to a single store can run efficiently on a single worker node. This is true even when the queries involve any combination of these tables.
For a full explanation and examples of this concept, see Table Co-Location.
Spreading queries across multiple machines allows more queries to run at once, and allows processing speed to scale by adding new machines to the cluster. Additionally splitting a single query into fragments as described in the previous section boosts the processing power devoted to it. The latter situation achieves the greatest parallelism, meaning utilization of CPU cores.
Queries reading or affecting shards spread evenly across many nodes are able to run at “real-time” speed. Note that the results of the query still need to pass back through the coordinator node, so the speedup is most apparent when the final results are compact, such as aggregate functions like counting and descriptive statistics.
Query Processing explains more about how queries are broken into fragments and how their execution is managed.